US DV Lottery 2013

Welcome to the US DV 2013 Lottery

DV Lottery 2013 Online Registration
All entries must be submitted electronically during the registration period, when applicants may access the Electronic DV Entry Form DS-5501. Paper entries will not be accepted.

The online registration period for the 2013 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2013) will begin on Tuesday, October 4, 2011, at noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), and conclude on Saturday, November 5, 2011, at noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4).

What is the Green Card Diversity Visa Program?

The Diversity Immigrant Visa program is a United States congressionally-mandated lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. It is also known as the Green Card Lottery. The lottery is administered on an annual basis by the Department of State and conducted under the terms of Section 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Section 131 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-649) amended INA 203 to provide for a new class of immigrants known as “diversity immigrants” (DV immigrants). The Act makes available 50,000 permanent resident visas annually to persons from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.

The visas are distributed on a regional basis, with each region sending fewer immigrants to the US in the previous 5 years receiving more diversity visas. Currently, Africa and Europe receive about 80% of the visas in the lottery. In addition, no single country can receive more than 7% of the total number of visas (3,500).

In order to allow for those who do not pursue immigrant visas, more ‘winners’ are selected in the lottery than there are visas available. Hence being selected from the lottery does not guarantee an immigrant visa to the U.S. To receive a

diversity visa and immigrate to the United States, ‘winners’ must meet all eligibility requirements under U.S. law. Requirements include at least a high school diploma, or its equivalent, or two years of work experience in an occupation requiring at least two years training.

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is the basic body of immigration law. Before the INA was created in 1952, a variety of statutes governed immigration law but were not organized in one location.

The INA is divided into titles, chapters, and sections. Although it stands alone as a body of law, the Act is also contained in the United States Code (U.S.C.). The code is a collection of all the laws of the United States. Title 8 of the U.S. Code is but one of the fifty titles and deals with “Aliens and Nationality”. When browsing the INA or other statutes you will often see reference to the U.S. Code citation. For example, Section 208 of the INA deals with asylum, and is also contained in 8 U.S.C. 1158. Although it is correct to refer to a specific section by either its INA citation or its U.S. code, the INA citation is more commonly used.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

The 1952 act is also known as the McCarran-Walter Act, named after the bill’s sponsors: Senator Pat McCarran (D-Nevada), and Congressman Francis Walter (D-Pennsylvania). The new Act kept many of the same immigration policies from earlier statutes with some major changes:

* Racial restrictions and gender discrimination were eliminated
* The policy of restricting immigrants from certain countries remained but the quota formula was revised
* Selective immigration was introduced by giving a quota preference to aliens with much-needed skills and relatives of U.S. citizens and alien residents
* Introduced a reporting system whereby all U.S. aliens were required to report their current address to the INS each year
* Established a central index of aliens in the U.S. for use by security and enforcement agencies

President Truman was concerned about the decisions to maintain the national origins quota system and to establish racially constructed quotas for Asian nations. He vetoed the McCarran-Walter Act because he regarded the bill as discriminatory. Truman’s veto was overridden by a vote of 278 to 113 in the House and 57 to 26 in the Senate.

Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965

The original 1952 Act has been amended many times over the years. By far the biggest change occurred with the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965. The bill was proposed by Emanuel Celler, cosponsored by Philip Hart and heavily supported by Senator Ted Kennedy.

Major amendments in the 1965 Act included:

* Abolished the national origins quota system, eliminating national origin, race, or ancestry as a basis for immigration to the United States.
* Established a preference system for relatives of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and for persons with special occupational skills, abilities, or training
* Established two categories of immigrants not subject to numerical restrictions: immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and special immigrants
* Maintained the quota restriction, expanding limits to world coverage by limiting Eastern Hemisphere immigration and placing a ceiling on Western Hemisphere immigration for the first time. However, neither the preference categories nor the 20,000 per-country limit were applied to the Western Hemisphere.
* Introduced a prerequisite for the issuance of a visa that an alien worker will not replace a worker in the United States nor adversely affect the wages and working conditions of similarly employed individuals in the U.S.

In Congress, the House of Representatives voted 326 to 69 in favor of the act while the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 76 to 18. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the legislation into law on July 1, 1968.

Current Reform Bills

Immigration reform bills to amend the current INA have been introduced into Congress in recent years. Most notably, these bills include the Kennedy-McCain Immigration Bill of 2005 as well as the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and co-authored by a bipartisan group of 12 senators including Sen. Ted Kennedy and Sen. John McCain. None of these bills, however, have made it through Congress.

The most current version of the INA may be found on the USCIS website under Immigration and Nationality Act in the Laws & Regulations section.

Source: USCIS, US State Department

This site is not affiliated with the U.S. government or the site, which is available only at certain times of the year (usually between Nov 1/3 – Dec 1/3 every year). As a private for-fee service, we provide information about the official DV-Lottery Program run by the U.S. government and help candidates submit their applications error-less. We wish you good luck!
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DV 2013.
DV 2013 is the next American visa lottery program that is going to accept online entries through the E-DV application form this year for the fiscal year 2013 which is going to provide 50,000 immigrant visas to eligible country people who are lucky and meet all the education/work experience.
1. You submit your online application in the submission period.
2. KCC will select and allow the entire applicants to check their status from the month of May 2012.
3. Selected winners follow the web information and send their duly filled forms to the KCC.
4. Winners will be called for the interviews according to their case numbers from 1st of October 2012.
4A. Selected winners living in the USA can contact the USCIS office to change their status once their case numbers are current for any given month.
5. Winners who have received their U.S immigrant visas under the diversity visa program must use it to enter the USA before it expires.(Normally the visas are valid for 6 months.)

Earthquake In Nepal On 18 August, 2011

Earthquake has been reported in most parts of Nepal. With the epicenter in Sikkim,India,  Its the biggest that has went since a decade. The measure received recently is of 6.8 rector scale. There is also possibility of it returning in around 2 hours.This is the most recent blog done after the earthquake in Nepal. I myself experienced the earthquake that lasted for minutes. It was very distinct and felt I could feel the buzz in my head even after a long time. Some parts of the country mainly eastern areas are affected harshly while the central region Kathmandu and other parts remained unaffected. I wish for every people mainly Nepalese to stay safe at this critical moment. May God bless us all.

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